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Ghosts Of Versailles - Marie Antoinette

L.A. Opera

Stitchers - Ben Walsh, Blanca Miranda, Yuan Anne Hua

Draper - Heather Bair

Cutter - Florencia Carrizo

Designer - Linda Cho

Benjamin Walsh

Costume Technologist
Dress in triplicate

The Marie Antoinette dress was constructed for Miss Patricia Racette in both black and white, and an identical white dress was built for her dancer double.


The workload of the three dresses was split amung our entire team. I was responsible for construting all sets of sleeves, the black and white skirts (both under and overskirt), one white wateau, all three panier extentions, and the majority of the bodice and sleeve trim.


Marie Antoinette's corset was costructed by Anne hua, her panier from Period Corsets and the panier extention was built by myself. 

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